Placing out a survey ten years ago asking what blogging is would have given a one way answer to ‘no idea’, now it is the latest craze with millions of people joining the ‘blogger’s world’. Blog is short for ‘web log’. As Ng (2009) explained ‘blogging used as a place where people who think they are a writer have a chance to have an opinion and freely write’. Which explains that a blog is a place where regular people like you and me communicate and express our opinion on media issues, or any issues for that matter. With a blog, there is no need to bore someone else with your opinions, there is now a place where there may be people with the same opinion as you and are happy to listen.
I am not the best at computers; seriously you’re lucky I know how to turn them on. I found making the blog difficult at the beginning but it really is not that hard. Just type into Google, blog, then there are many different formats. If you like the design of my blog, go to blogger.com. there are also many other blogs out in the internet world ranging from different information; for example; there are dear diary, medical blogs, science blogs and even the forum blog, where it enables people to have a discussion.
Blogs have changed the way of receiving daily news because the information is immediate and there is no waiting for the newspaper to be printed the next day. As Ng (2009) explained ‘anyone who makes a controversial statement had best be well prepared to back it up’ with information. As long as the information backs up the argument the news can be received immediately.
Image source: Bloggers http://www.blogger.com/start
Ng, D 2009, wiseGEEK, viewed 20 October 2009, < http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-blogs.htm>.
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